Kate Regnier, LMSW, LCSW, LICSW, EMDR Trained

Hi! I’m Kate.

I have a green thumb that’s not so green as I’m trying to keep all 150 of my houseplants alive (maybe I’m exaggerating but do I have way more than I should). I’m attempting to read 50 books this year and I’ve only read 2, so wish me luck! I’m a huge night owl that can’t fall asleep before midnight and I’m an avid believer in naps…because I stay up too late. I’ve struggled with people pleasing which lead to years of panic attacks, but after I learned my worth from my own therapy, I can say I’m in recovery! 

I work with adults who have been told it’s not safe to feel and that stating your needs make you a burden. I use EMDR Therapy to help my clients process this inner core wound in a safe and effective way. I love working with people who:

  • Were told it wasn’t safe to have emotions

  • Want to change patterns and set boundaries

  • Feel unsafe when they feel big emotions

  • Weren’t allowed to say how they felt

  • Think something is wrong with them (guess what - there’s not!)

  • Think they are burdening everyone and are unlovable because of it

I’m ready to help you find who you are and heal from what you were told you should’ve been to make others comfortable.

Need help now and don’t want to spend months in therapy to get it? Schedule an EMDR Intensive to start changing your patterns now and find worth today.